The bike is good project began life in 2011 as a transcontinental bicycle adventure. As we pedalled from Seattle to Boston it grew into something even bigger. Life from the bike became life as we knew it, a way of engaging with the world that was much richer and honest than we had previously known. On our return to Australia we have tried to continue in the b.i.g. spirit, still happiest pedalling!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 62 Murdo to Pierre 90km

We only needed to take one photo today, as the view of the road and the grass stretched on to the horizon

But we were far from bored! At a rest stop, for refueling with coffee and donuts prior to turning into the wind (more headwind!), we had the pleasure of meeting 3 young women from Alabama. In a camper, on a relocation road trip post completing university, on their way to Oregon in search of adventure, freedom and the next chapter. You can check out their blog, the link is on our home page. The thirty miles of headwind on the way to Pierre, pronounced 'Pier', required some teamwork, and Kerstin and I swapped the lead position every 5 miles, allowing the other to draught in the rear position, and provide some conversation by yelling into the wind. The luxury of a cheap hotel room after 10 days of camping was great motivation for pedaling into the wind. And the hot, long shower would have been the cherry on top if it wasn't beaten by experiencing an earthquake! A 3.4 magnitude earthquake in Pierre right after we arrived. A State capital that is having a tough year, the second smallest capital in all of the USA, sitting right on the Missouri river, which has been flooded for the past 2 months, and hence the city as well. But the people seem to have retained their sense of humour, I especially liked the sign outside the hardware store on Main St which read "no skinny dipping". Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're reading some Native American can be absolutely heart wrenching.

    I've just read some of the first chapter of the book you lent me, Louise...Columbus...oh God...the way history books are skewed. I trust there are some good things in this book too!!!

    Ride on!

